Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Magnificent Wonderous Great Quest of Charming

After Reading the awesome chapter Every Trip is a Quest (except when its not) from Thomas C. Foster's, How to Read Literature Like a Professor (which might I add has some great humor in it almost better then mines! Cue awkward drum Foster explains and provides a great example about how every storyline has many different elements but all have the exact same structure! It totally makes since it's just one of those things that you don't really stop to think about. Any-whoo It inspired me to toy with the idea of "structure". Here is a quick pitch of my story that knows not of structure!
We see this big, buff, perfect Prince Charming looking guy and he is hastily and precisely getting ready for something epic, something that is very important to not only him but to the world, something heroic. Once Charming is all geared up, weapons ready, sexy face on; he shouts out "I'm coming for you My love!" In his deep, smooth suave but angelic voice. He walks outside he stands in his heroic-like stance he opens the door and the day is... perfectly quiet and still. He stands there looking around and his determined face droops into a look of dumbfound, he scratches his head and looks around he cries out again. "I'm coming for you my love!!"Still nothing. He goes back into the house and each moment is very specific like something could happen at anytime just as his preparations for the day. He steps into the kitchen, he is making a peanut butter jelly sandwich a little to enthusiastically, he grows ashamed because this is the highlight of his day so far he walks to his room takes off his bottoms and shoes just as he put them on, he lies down on his side in his underwear and the rest of his costume on, with the peanut butter jelly sandwich in hand and begins to cry. FIN.

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