Sunday, September 14, 2014

How the World Views Playwright (From a Defense of Poetry Rewrite)

Playwrights, are the voice of the subconscious. The masters of bringing light to the darkness and darkness into the light. Dramatist from as earliest as the 5th century.  playwriting involved poïesis, "the act of making". This is the source of our word poet. At one point, the word playwright carried a negative connotation and in some ways still do today.

"Romeo, Romeo where art thou Rome?" spans across ones mind when they hear the word
"playwright" is it that type of historical verbiage that most think of when the philosophical, poetic one-of-a-kind talents publish work?  Do playwrights  provide a thirsty audience with more visions than that of powdered wigs, awkwardly written sentences and over the top costumes? Absolutely; they are the are the foundation of the entertainment realm. They are the livelihood hood of the "forerunners" of which our hearts and minds crave daily; Entertainment. The director has nothing to direct without the mindful soul of the playwright. Playwrights are the epitome of creativeness, the masters of a blank page. Without playwrights, or dramatists as they are sometimes called, directors would have nothing to direct, producers would have nothing to produce and actors would have nothing to act out.

Playwrights are the rebirth of the poet, re-incarnation with the perspective of the new world. The gatekeepers between realism and the sub consciousness The key holders to your deepest most undetermined and haziest dreams. The subconscious of a playwright is metaphorically similar to a black hole beneath the earths surface, full of people, pictures and colors without the five senses.  

Playwrights are the voice of the subconscious.